About smartvote

smartvote is an innovative online platform, which matches voters to candidates and parties that share their policy positions. Founded by Politools in 2003, smartvote has informed voters in over 250 elections throughout Switzerland and around the world.


1. Candidates & Parties
2. Voters
3. Matching
Candidates & parties answer questions on a wide range of current policy issues. Voters answer the same questions on the smartvote website. Voters receive a ranked list of candidates & parties that best match their political profile.

Try smartvote out for yourself!
smartwielen for the Luxembourg General Election 2023 at 2023.smartwielen.lu
smartvote Tibet for the Tibetan General Elections 2021 at tibet.smartvote.org
smartvote Australia for the Australian Capitol Territory (ACT) 2020 at act.smartvote.org

smartwielen for the European Elections in Luxembourg 2019 at smartwielen.lu

smartvote Australia for the Australian Federal Election 2019 at australia2019.smartvote.org
smartwielen for the Luxembourg General Election 2018 at 2018.smartwielen.lu
Contributions to democratization & civic education
Voter Mobilization & Engagement
Issue-Based Discourse
Candidate Transparency
smartvote has been shown to increase political participation and voter turnout, and encourage citizens’ interest and engagement in politics.smartvote promotes an issue-based discourse by focusing on differences in policy positions, not ideology or character.smartvote allows voter’s to learn about candidates’ positions on a wide range of important policy issues, therefore building a more informed and engaged electorate.

Some of our special features

Data visualization: smartspider

One of our strong points is the straightforward visualization of complex information. The smartspider uses 6 or 8 axes on major policy fields, to visually compare a voter’s political profile with a candidate’s or party’s.

Data visualization: smartmap

Our smartmap is another strong visual tool for comparing political positions. It shows the positions of all the candidates or parties and the voter in a two-dimensional space.

smartmap of the parties positions European Elections 2019 in Luxembourg smartwielen.lu

Social media sharing

Candidates and voters alike can share their profiles, smartspiders and matching results easily on Facebook, Twitter and via email.

Your benefits from partnering with smartvote

In order to provide the public with sophisticated online candidate-voter matching platforms, smartvote partners with universities, civil society organizations, local governments, media companies, etc. Join us: info@smartvote.org

Visibility & Traffic for your organization

Our platform provides an innovative and easy way of informing voters, thereby making you the go-to source for election information.

New opportunities for campaign coverage

Enhance your campaign coverage with unique stories on candidates’ positions and unprecedented access to data-based political information.

Data for social science researchers

The anonymized data collected with our tool is ideal for social and political research. Our platforms are compliant with the  EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Services à la carte

smartvote provides the technical infrastructure and expertise gained from over 15 years of running online candidate-voter matching platforms. Please contact us, if you are interested in learning more about the services we provide: info@smartvote.org

Ready to use platform, inline frames & API

We provide a cutting-edge online platform for matching candidates and voters (VAA), which is fully responsive and includes innovative features. Additionally, we have experience in providing inline frames and APIs to partners that prefer to integrate the platform directly into their own website.

Consulting & advising

We provide assistance and advice on developing a questionnaire, methodological design, contacting candidates, implementing the platform, etc.

Customization & integration

Our platform can be adapted to a wide range of electoral systems and is well-suited for local, regional and national elections. Founded in Switzerland, a country with four national languages, our platforms are designed to accommodate multilingual candidates and voters.

Examples of Integration into media websites

Click on the articles to see an example of the integration of our inline frames

About us

Politools is a non-profit and non-partisan organization based in Bern, the capital of Switzerland. We pride ourselves on consistent transparency and scientifically based methods. Our team is made up of political scientists, specialized in E-democracy, big data analysis, and journalism, and supported by a local, innovative IT company (Zeilenwerk).

Key facts about smartvote
  • Used by 1 in 5 voters in Switzerland
  • Achieves up to 85% candidate participation
  • Hosted over 250 elections at the local, regional, national & international level (in Switzerland, Australia, Luxembourg, Austria and Scotland as well as for the European Union and others)
  • We have over 15 years of experience in helping voters find candidates and parties that share their positions! 

The next crucial reform is to help voters make informed choices … Switzerland offers the best example of the next step: its smartvote system presents a list of policy choices with which you can agree or disagree, then compares your answers with the policies of the parties and candidates contesting the election. It produces a graphic showing whose position most closely matches your interests.
George Monbiot in the Guardian, January 25, 2017

(During CET opening hours)